Today my blog is born. I confess that I have been a bad parent to my other blogs... I have a tendency to blog abandonment. May that not occur here! "Planting Trees and Feeding Sheep" is named in honor of Andrew Peterson, Lily Russell and Ryan Lindsay, and Veronica Belarde Sepulveda. Andrew wrote the song that inspired me to latch onto the "Planting Trees" phrase as a key part of my calling... especially in the light of knowing Lily and Ryan. Veronica led me around Peru in a canoe and allowed me to hear from God the "Feeding Sheep" part of my calling.
I'm excited to be embarking on a study journey of exploring the options for opening up Northwest University's International Care and Community Development Master of Arts degree to those in Europe. Why so excited? Because it's been a portal in my life for God to continue a work of bringing transformation and healing to my own life and worldview and dreams and confidence... along with a lot of laughter and good friendships and great ideas. (Yes - glossing over the sleep deprivation and disorganized house!) I am a huge proponent of this particular program, and I have a passion for seeing access to transformational education for leaders increased around the world. Innovative education for leaders means innovative solutions to problems that deeply matter to the lives of people (like water, poverty, justice). And that matters to God.
With special thanks to a few people - representatives of many who have contributed to how I understand my calling:
Tanya Myhalyna and Anya Moisei - Thank you for taking me into your families and your culture. I count meeting you among the more miraculous parts of my life.
Dr. Lowell Bakke - Thank you for changing my paradigms - against my will - and launching me on this journey.
Dr. Forrest Inslee - Thank you for creating this program, inviting me into this project, helping me to see it through your eyes, and trusting me to do well.
Marcos - Thank you for your patient help with everything while I study how to change the world - while you are busy changing it!
Lily and Ryan - May the world you inherit be one in which the sun of justice shines brightly even through the clouds of injustice. May you have the eyes to see it and the hearts to embrace the light. Yes, it is "the voice of Jesus calling you back home" (Peterson).